KHC Last Clean Up 2017 & Welcome 2018 Ok, we are addicted to protecting the environment... This weekend, meet up with the Keep Hanoi Clean team for the very last clean up event of the year! As said before, the Long Bien Clean Up was supposed to be the last event this year but we can’t just sit around and wait for the new year to start for our events to start again! Come and join us for a great time, this Saturday! Meet up : 7am-7:30 Location : Le Thai To Park Link: https://goo.gl/maps/YmCwChEpqYK2) Start : 7:30am Finish : 11am Register: https://goo.gl/forms/KmdVlus2VW6WRm332 Contact James for more information: 0949886880 Keephanoiclean@gmail.com